Investors In People Accreditation

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Investors in People Accreditation.
We value our team at Reventus, as our people are as important to us as our Clients and our processes. Having a strong team around us, where our colleagues are appreciated for the work that they do. We also empower our colleagues to make decisions without fear of making mistakes. This encourages people to take ownership, which is a critical need for the work we do.
During the Investors in People Accreditation process, our team were asked to complete online surveys and were interviewed by the Investors in People Practitioners.
Please see below some of the feedback we received.
Your people have a high level of trust in the leadership of the business and the team appreciate the openness and visibility of the senior team. Your MD is spoken of very highly throughout the business and seen as an inspirational leader. People are now seeing this positive style of leadership filtering down through the business. There was also a lot of positive feedback around how you’ve handled the COVID-19 crisis.
Your commitment to support the communities you work in comes through very strongly. In a sector which has historically had a negative image, you are working well to change this, and the work you are embarking on with Debt Free London and local Charites are great examples of this.
Your leadership structure received a lot of praise from the team. People feel that there is a structure which supports the wider team and allows managers to spend more time with their teams to develop them. This provides a great platform for people to develop their skills.
You have an extremely forward thinking senior team, who reflect your ambition to be industry leaders and change the way the sector operates.
Your people feel that they are given a high level of empowerment from management. This encourages people to take ownership, which is a critical need for the work you do.
You’ve developed a team who share similar values to that of the business, and there the desire to change the way the sector is perceived and operates, comes through strongly.
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